
Activities for at home

Chiropractic treatment is the first step on your journey to get back to doing the things you love.

Stretches and exercises will then help to strengthen and tone your muscles and joints.

We have put together the following videos so you can continue your journey to a stronger healthier body at home.

Exercise List

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Stretch Routines 10 Minute Stretch Routine

Head & Neck Chin tuck, TMJ

Chest & Shoulders Lying on rolled towel, Doorway, Extensor, Wall Push ups, Breathing Exercises

Hip, Pelvic Area and Lower Back Glute, Hip Flexor, Pelvic Mobilisation, Lumbar Support on Chair

Thigh & Hamstring VMO, Sit to Stand, Hamstring

Knee, Calf & Ankle One leg standing, Calf, Planter Fascia 

Stretch Routines

We all deserve to take a time out.

These stretch routines are the perfect way to release tension in fatigued muscles and get the blood flowing again.

Make regular stretch breaks part of your day.

Head and Neck

Chin Tuck

It is very important to relieve neck stress. 

Everything we do is in front of us which brings our heads forwards. 

Our heads are heavy and often overload the muscles in the neck, leading to neck pain and headaches. 

TMJ Exercise

If you ever catch yourself with your jaw clenched, wake up with an achy jaw, or if your dentist has mentioned you are grinding your teeth, this is an essential exercise for you.

Chest & Shoulders

Lying on Rolled Towel

This is a lovely way to stretch the muscles and release tension after a long day at work sitting at a computer, or after a long drive where your shoulders and head have been pulled forwards.

Doorway Stretch (Naughty Corner)

Everything we do is in front of us and our shoulders are always pulled forwards. 

This puts extra strain on our neck and can lead to neck and upper back pain and headaches. 

Extensor Activation

 Simple extensor activation exercises can help to relieve pain from postural overload.

Wall Push-ups

Improves rotator cuff stability and strength. 

The focus is on control and stability while gradually increasing the range of motion. 

Breathing Exercise

This is a great exercise to do when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, or any time you are feeling stressed or anxious.

Hip, Pelvic Area & Lower Back

Glute Stretch 

Everyone needs a good glute stretch! 

Whether you’re sitting all day, going up and down stairs or ladders, or running around after the kids, we all need to release tension in our glutes.

Hip Flexor Stretch

We all spend too much time sitting which leads to shortening of our hip flexors.

 Have you ever got up after prolonged sitting and not been able to stand up straight? 

Tight hip flexors are one of the leading contributing factors to low back pain.

Pelvic Mobilisation

A lovely way to loosen up the pelvis and get the blood flowing in the lower back.

Lumbar support on chair

Always make sure your back has good lumber support when sitting to avoid low back pain.

Thigh & Hamstring

VMO Strengthening 

We all tend to be stronger on the outer thigh (iliotibial band - ITB) then the medial thigh (vastus medialis oblique - VMO). 

This imbalance can lead to medial knee pain and weakness. 

Improving knee strength and stability can help to reduce pain and the risk of injury.

Sit to Stand Exercise

Everyone hates doing squats! The sit to stand is a safe, easy way to strengthen the ‘squat’ muscles without having to do a full squat. Stay youthful and agile and avoid groaning when getting up out of a chair!

Hamstring Exercise

A great basic stretch to help improve flexibility and reduce muscle strain after exercise.

Knee, Calf & Ankle

One Leg Standing

This is a very important rehabilitation exercise following an ankle, knee or hip injury. 

After rolling an ankle the ligaments have been overstretched and the supporting muscles need to work harder to maintain stability and prevent further injuries. 

The one leg stand also helps to improve proprioception and balance.

Calf Stretches

This is a simple stretch to help improve flexibility and reduce muscle strain after exercise.

 Especially important after walking up and down stairs or ladders.

Planter fascia Rehabilitation

Plantar Fasciitis is a very painful condition which can be very difficult to treat. 

However, with chiropractic care, support taping and some basic rehabilitation stretches you can improve your prognosis.

Chiropractic care and support taping, start the healing process by reducing the load on the planter fascia and improving biomechanics. 

At home you can support the healing by doing;

Gentle calf stretches and magnesium oil behind the knees before going to bed to reduce calf muscle tension.

Gentle calf stretches before getting out of bed in the morning - point toes / flex ankles.

Good quality supporting shoes with orthotics are also recommended.

 For more information, contact us on

 (02) 9868 2260  or at juliana@keychiro.com.au